Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to Divorce Your Wife - And Not Lose All Your Money

If you are someone who has finally decided that divorce is the only sensible option because your marriage cannot be saved. Then this is a time when you need to start looking at your finances to ensure that you will be financially secure when the divorce becomes finalized. In this article we offer some tips on how to divorce your wife and ensure that you are financially secure afterwards.
Tip 1
If the divorce is one that is not to be contested by either of you then you should sit down and look at ways you can start cutting back on the expenses you currently have. Things such as no longer paying for the premium movie channels or getting newspapers everyday of the week are things that could be eliminated. Remember you need to start saving as much as you can to ensure that you will be able to live comfortably both during and after the divorce proceedings.
Tip 2
Another thing that must be done is all joint accounts, both bank and credit card ones should be closed. However, if you need to retain your credit card because of travelling expenses or for general everyday living expenses then speak to your credit card company to ask them to reissue you with a card in your name only. Plus you must open up new bank accounts in your own name only and don't forget to inform where you work of the bank detail changes.
Tip 3
If you are currently paying into any pension plans ask for all contributions to be stopped for the present time until the divorce has been finalized. If you continue to contribute you may find that she can then claim for half of it.
When it comes to how to divorce your wife but not lose all your money then keep the above tips in mind.
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A Divorce can leave a man financially and emotionally crippled.
Don't let this happen to you.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Divorce Strategies For Men - Get a Quick Divorce and Protect Your Finances

Getting your head around divorce is far from simple so it is important to take certain steps to moving forward with your life. Having a strategy in place is key to a successful divorce. There are a number of elements involved when planning your case.
Tip 1
Your financial divorce settlement is very different from your emotional one. Keep these two separate as much as you can. You must consider all your assets as well as your debts, who´s name are these in? You will easily slip into bad credit rating if you miss payments on loans, the mortgage etc.. It is a good idea to open up your own bank account if you don´t already have one and apply for a separate credit card, this will allow you more control over your current finances.
Tip 2
Divorce can be a timely exercise so your aim is to get divorced as quickly as possible. To accomplish this you will need to keep on top of things. Establish a good working relationship with your attorney, if you are asked to attend a meeting don´t break the appointment. Be as organized as you can, keep original copies of receipts, bank statements, tax returns etc.. Make sure your lawyer has a record of all of your finances, they will need as much information about you to use as back up in court.
Remaining calm and keeping a clear ahead is vital, your organizational skills are important too. Taking care of your day to day finances should play a natural role in your current situation as this will help you to win a fair case in court.

Divorce Advice For Men - Don't Allow Your Divorce to Take Over Your Life

Going through a divorce should not feel like you are reliving World War 2 it is an unfortunate part of life that many of us will go through so being prepared is paramount. Keep on track it should not be the only thing on your mind 24/7. You still need to go to work and look after yourself mentally and physically each day.
Tip 1
Try to rise above confrontation and arguments with your ex, you have both made the decision to go ahead with the divorce so keep focused on achieving what you have set out to do. Once you have found a good lawyer it is important that you spend time with them to establish a trusting relationship. You will need to be very open about recent events and your financial status. There will be many questions that you need to ask so that you have a confident understanding of what is going on and what to expect in court. It is a costly exercise hiring an attorney so make sure you are getting your money´s worth.
Tip 2
Be careful not to turn to alcohol or food for comfort as this will only result in making yourself feel worse and possibly making mistakes that you will later regret. When we drink too much we can say things that we don't mean. Be aware of who you are talking to, someone who was a mutual friend could turn behind your back so you need to be clever with what you say. It may be a good idea to see a therapist as you can get things off your chest without worrying afterwards if what you said was the right thing to say. They can also offer you good advice on how to deal with your emotions during this difficult period.
Although lawyers and therapists come at a price they are a beneficial asset to have in the long run. They have already dealt with many cases prior to yours and having experience on your side is a must.