Thursday, November 20, 2008

Forgiveness is very imporant in your relationship

Forgiveness forms an inherent part of human nature and therefore it dignifies us as one of our excellent virtues.
Contrary to what many think, forgiveness is not a synonym of forgetting, rather it is to accept the bad that has been done to us, to accept that we are imperfect beings and therefore others like us are entitled to make mistakes.
To forgive is to recognize that life is made of opportunities, to forgive is humility to realize that everyone is entitled to it, and that we are not anybody to neglect forgiveness.
Forgiveness embodies its foundations in our very essence; essence that we only taste when we put aside the prejudices of the world and we rediscover ourselves and make corrections starting from our actions with ourselves and with others.
Forgiveness is more of a virtue rather than a capacity (which, by the way, we have very little) that life gives us, our experiences, but above all love. The pure and true love.
When we are not sufficiently able to put aside our pride and start again, we generally experience a sense of frustration at the expense of whom harbor negative feelings such as bitterness, thirst for revenge, among many others, that far justifying our incapacity (exactly what we expected). It fill us with anger, powerlessness, but especially bitterness, as we sadly realize that we do not possess the tools necessary to discover and exploit our potential as a purely emotional

1 comment:

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