Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to Divorce Your Wife - And Not Lose All Your Money

If you are someone who has finally decided that divorce is the only sensible option because your marriage cannot be saved. Then this is a time when you need to start looking at your finances to ensure that you will be financially secure when the divorce becomes finalized. In this article we offer some tips on how to divorce your wife and ensure that you are financially secure afterwards.
Tip 1
If the divorce is one that is not to be contested by either of you then you should sit down and look at ways you can start cutting back on the expenses you currently have. Things such as no longer paying for the premium movie channels or getting newspapers everyday of the week are things that could be eliminated. Remember you need to start saving as much as you can to ensure that you will be able to live comfortably both during and after the divorce proceedings.
Tip 2
Another thing that must be done is all joint accounts, both bank and credit card ones should be closed. However, if you need to retain your credit card because of travelling expenses or for general everyday living expenses then speak to your credit card company to ask them to reissue you with a card in your name only. Plus you must open up new bank accounts in your own name only and don't forget to inform where you work of the bank detail changes.
Tip 3
If you are currently paying into any pension plans ask for all contributions to be stopped for the present time until the divorce has been finalized. If you continue to contribute you may find that she can then claim for half of it.
When it comes to how to divorce your wife but not lose all your money then keep the above tips in mind.
Want More Free Tips and Advice?
A Divorce can leave a man financially and emotionally crippled.
Don't let this happen to you.

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